Department scholarship going strong
More than 331 individual scholarly publications or presentations were produced by the department in the 2019–2020 academic year. These include book chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles, and abstracts presented at national and international meetings.
“The scholarly contributions of our department add new scientific knowledge which advances the specialty of anesthesiology and medicine and ultimately improves the care of our patients,” says Dr. Charles Emala, the department’s Vice Chair of Research.
Over the past five years, our contributions to scholarly journals has increased steadily. This academic year, the faculty published 152 articles for peer-reviewed journals, compared to 114 a year earlier. This year’s total represents 58% growth since the 2015–2016 academic year, when the department recorded 96 such publications. The number of abstracts presented by members of the department at the American Society of Anesthesiologists and other professional associations has increased this year too. According to Dr. Emala, this “demonstrates the passion for new knowledge, even under unprecedented times, that maintains our department at the forefront of academic anesthesiology.”
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) portion of the Department of Anesthesiology total research portfolio also increased in the 2019–2020 academic year, to 76%, compared to 71% in the previous period.
“These accomplishments are a testament to the contributions of all departmental team members that facilitate the scholarly activity of all involved in diverse areas of research,” says Dr. Emala. “The commitment of all departmental members who work tirelessly to provide superb clinical care to patients, and legendary educational opportunities for trainees, is what allows for the scholarly accomplishments of so many departmental members. This legacy will continue to propel future departmental growth and maintain excellence and leadership in academic medicine.”
The full list of department publications can be found here.