
The Influence Of Genetics On Pregnancy-Related Conditions

Early work focused on identifying genetic associations and pharmacogenetic effects between selected SNPs and preterm labor and tocolysis, vascular reactivity using a dorsal hand-vein model, preeclampsia, and hemodynamic responses and vasopressor requirements during cesarean deliveries.

Preterm Labor & Delivery – the Influence of β2-Adrenergic Receptor (ADRB2)

  • Landau R, Morales MA, Antonarakis SE, Blouin JL, Smiley RM. Arg16 homozygosity of the β2-adrenoceptor improves outcome from β2-agonist tocolysis for preterm labor. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2005;78:656-63.

Endothelial Function, Hemodynamics & Preeclampsia - the Influence of ADRA, ADRB2 & eNOS

  • Smiley RM, Negron M, Blouin JL, Landau R. β2-Adrenoceptor Genotype Affects Vasopressor Requirements during Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery. Anesthesiology. 2006;104:644-50.
  • Landau R, Liu SK, Smiley R, Blouin JL, Ngan Kee W. The effect of maternal and fetal β2-adrenoceptor and nitric oxide synthase genotype on vasopressor requirement and fetal acid-base status during spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. Anesth Analg 2011;112:1432-7.

Genetics of Pain & Pain Modulation

Our group identified for the first time that OPRM1 (μ -opioid receptor gene) predicts lower opioid dosing for neuraxial analgesia in obstetric patients.

  • Landau R, Kern C, Columb MO, Smiley R, Blouin JL. Genetic Variability of the μ-Opioid Receptor Influences Intrathecal Fentanyl Analgesia Requirements in Laboring Women. Pain. 2008;139(1):5-14.
  • Sia A, Lim Y, Lim E, Goh R, Law HY, Landau R, Teo YY, Tan EO. A118G single nucleotide polymorphism of human μ-opioid receptor gene influences pain perception and patient controlled intravenous morphine consumption after intrathecal morphine for postcesarean analgesia. Anesthesiology 2008;109(3):520-6.
  • Landau R, Smiley R. Pharmacogenetics in Obstetric Anesthesia. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anesthesiology 2017;31(1):23-34.

Prediction & Precision-Based Pain Management For Labor & Delivery

Pain is a complex phenotype, and predicting individuals at risk for severe pain for which tailored analgesia may be most beneficial is essential to prevent chronic pain. Our studies have evaluated strategies to identify women most at risk for severe acute postpartum pain, and propose preventative strategies.

  • Eisenach J, Pan P, Smiley R, Lavand’homme P, Landau R, Houle T. Severity of Acute Pain After Childbirth, but not Type of Delivery, Predicts Persistent Pain and Postpartum Depression, Pain 2008;140:87-94
  • Ortner CM, Granot M, Richebé P, Cardoso M, Bollag L, Landau R. Preoperative scar hyperalgesia is associated with post-operative pain in women undergoing a repeat Caesarean delivery. Eur J Pain 2013;17:111-23.
  • Ortner CM, Turk D, Siaulys M, Bollag L, Theodore B, Landau R. The Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire-Revised to evaluate persistent pain and surgery-related symptoms in healthy women undergoing a planned cesarean delivery. Reg Anesthesia & Pain Medicine 2014;39:478-86.
  • Orbach-Zinger S, Reuveni A, Ioscovich A, Eidelman LA, Landau R, Severe pain during local infiltration for spinal anaesthesia predicts post-caesarean pain, Eur J Pain 2015;19:1382-8.
  • Orbach-Zinger S, Fireman S, Ben-Haroush A, Karoush T, Klein Z, Mazarib N, Artyukh A, Chen R, Ioscovich A, Eidelman, LA, Landau R. Preoperative sleep quality predicts postoperative pain after planned caesarean delivery, Eur J Pain. 2017;21(5):787-794.
  • Prabhu M, McQuaid-Hanson E, Hopp S, Burns SM, Leffert LR, Landau R, Lauffenburger JC, Choudhry NK, Kaimal A, Bateman BT. A Shared Decision-Making Intervention to Guide Opioid Prescribing After Cesarean Delivery. Obstet Gynecol. 2017;130(1):42-46.
  • Bateman BT, Cole NM, Maeda A, Burns SM, Houle TT, Huybrechts KF, Clancy CR, Hopp SB, Ecker JL, Ende H, Grewe K, Raposo Corradini B, Schoenfeld RE, Sankar K, Day LJ, Harris L, Booth JL, Flood P, Bauer ME, Tsen LC, Landau R, Leffert LR. Patterns of Opioid Prescription and Use After Cesarean Delivery. Obstet Gynecol. 2017;130(1):29-35.


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