Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
An Amazing One-Year Experience
Each year we welcome nine fellows from around the country to train with our ACGME-accredited program, situated on 20 acres in northern Manhattan. Fellowship candidates have completed residency training in anesthesiology, surgery, emergency medicine, or obstetrics, and are offered ACCM career training in a supportive environment that prepares them to care, lead, educate, and discover.

ICU fellows, 23-24: This year's ICU fellows have backgrounds in anesthesiology, emergency medicine, surgery, and maternal-fetal medicine.
We Believe In Innovation
We know that learning preferences are changing, and in the spirit of Columbia’s history of innovation, we believe our teaching should be interactive, intensive, innovative, and inspiring. We call this our 4I principle. How do we put the 4I process into practice?
- We have “flipped” journal club.
We have developed an escape room to understand ARDS.
We have a hands-on ultrasound training program to prepare fellows for the NBE Critical Care Ultrasound Examination.
We have established and continuously assess critical care competencies.
We simulate events to teach the principles of Crisis Resource Management.
We believe in the adult learner, who guides us as educators.
Stay Connected
Learn more about the Department of Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine Fellowship by connecting with us on Twitter. Follow us at @ColumbiaCCM for the latest updates!
ACCM Fellowship Overview
Welcome Home
We are intensivists, and our home ICUs are the 16-bed surgical intensive care unit (SICU) and the cardiothoracic intensive care unit (CTICU). We manage patients after heart, lung, liver, and pancreas transplant, and we care for patients after ECMO and VAD insertion. We collaborate with our multidisciplinary team to manage complex disease processes such as sepsis and ARDS.
Approximately 20 percent of our patients in the SICU are non-surgical medically critically ill patients, and we serve as the primary team. As the year progresses the ICU fellow takes increasing responsibility for the conduct of rounds and decision-making, while the ICU attending remains available for backup and support as appropriate. Our fellows take night float call in the SICU and CTICU. Our call system is designed to create a balanced experience.
Our fellows rotate through the medical intensive care unit (MICU) for one month and in the neurointensive care unit (NICU) for one month. In addition to these rotations, our fellows will have one month of electives to experience rotations such as nephrology, infectious disease, interventional pulmonology, and radiology. We have designed the year to give you flexibility and exposure to a diversity of disease processes in critical care medicine.
Our Year For You
Each of our fellows chooses a track, mentored by a faculty member, at the beginning of their fellow year:
- Education
- Research
- Clinical Leadership
Each track is designed to promote achievement of specific milestones to prepare our fellows to launch an academic career. We are proud of what our fellows accomplish. By the end of the year, our fellows have written book chapters, participated in research, and developed quality improvement projects. Think of these tracks as a major and a minor. The fellows can focus on one track and still participate in parts of the other tracks.
As part of our introduction in August, we organize a three-day boot camp on ICU topics.
Program start date: August 1
Number of positions available: 9
Length of program: 12 months
Dual ACCM/Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology 2-Year Fellowship
The dual ACCM/ACTA fellowship track consists of two consecutive years of training and is offered to two or applicants each year. Per ACGME, these are two separate one-year fellowships. Applicants interested in pursuing both fellowships at our institution should apply first to the ACCM fellowship via the SF Match and indicate their interest in a dual fellowship. Exceptions for the dual ACCM/ACTA fellowship are offered outside the match. Applicants who are not offered an exception but who are still being considered for an ACCM fellowship position only will participate in the SF Match. Those applicants may reapply to ACTA the following year.
Both programs must be informed of your intent to pursue the dual fellowship track. Notification should be sent to both Ms. Lisa Hasenbalg and Ms. Clara Gutierrez.
Lisa Hasenbalg
Program Coordinator, Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
Clara Gutierrez
Program Coordinator, Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship
ABA-EM 2-Year ACCM Fellowship
Candidates who have completed emergency medicine training and are interested in our ACCM fellowship program through the Anesthesia-ABA pathway can apply through the San Francisco (SF) Match. You will be required to complete a two-year ACCM fellowship to satisfy the requirements of the ACEP and their agreement with the ABA.
The first year of the fellowship mirrors the experience of anesthesiology trainees. During the second year, EM trainees will spend time refining skills such as transesophageal echocardiography, percutaneous tracheostomy, and medical education implementation. The second year is characterized by increased autonomy and several “pretend” rotations where EM fellows mentor first-year fellows during ICU call.
To apply to our program, please use this link: San Francisco (SF) Match.
How to Apply
We welcome applications to our program. We believe that our fellowship will give you the opportunity to be educated, have a chance to lead, have a place to care, and to find a path to discover. We invite you to join us for the ride of a lifetime.
Please note that for the 2024-2025 ACCM fellowship year, we are participating in the San Francisco (SF) Match process.
- November 1, 2024: Applicant registration begins
- March 1, 2025: Final date for application submission
- January 2025–April 2025: ACCM fellowship interview period
- May 13, 2025: Rank list deadline
- August 1, 2026: Fellowship training begins
For more detailed information on the fellowship application process, please e-mail ACCM Program Coordinator Lisa Hasenbalg at
Fellowship Contacts
Fellowship Director
David S. Wang, MD
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
Fellowship Administrator
Ms. Lisa Hasenbalg
ACCM Program Coordinator
Department of Anesthesiology, PH 527-B
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University
630 West 168th St.
New York, NY 10032