

The Department of Anesthesiology provides each fellow with a copy of the following books:


Fellow core lectures - Thursday mornings
Weekly meeting with faculty to discuss relevant topics in journal club, PBLD or flipped classroom formats

Our fellows participate in three educational and multidisciplinary simulation scenarios each year along with the MFM fellows.

Each year our fellows participate in a half day ultrasound workshop along with regional and cardiac attending and fellow expertise to focus on neuraxial, TAP blocks and TTE.

A curriculum has been developed that consists of interactive conferences, modules for stress relief, team building opportunities and socializing. Our fellows along with critical care fellows participate in this curriculum.

Anesthesiology Grand Rounds
Our fellows attend our weekly departmental Grand Rounds and have the opportunity to make one presentation.

Department of Anesthesiology Research Seminars
Fellows are encouraged to attend these monthly presentations on a variety of topics.

Multidisciplinary Meetings

Maternal Fetal Medicine Conference – alternating Tuesday mornings
Discussion with nurse managers, MFM, anesthesiology, cardiology, hematology, renal, infectious disease, transplant services about upcoming complicated pregnant patients for delivery

Accreta Conference – quarterly
Discussion between services involved with care of patients with abnormal placentation including gynecologic oncology, general surgery and interventional radiology

Maternal Fetal Medicine Research Meetings – Fridays
Discussion of MFM ongoing research projects


Together with the faculty, our fellows develop lectures on topics they choose for our residents on their core Obstetric Anesthesiology rotations.

Our fellows provide medical student lectures on local anesthetics to those on the Anesthesiology rotation and Basic Obstetric Anesthesiology to those on their OB/Gyn rotation.

Our fellows are also taught how to run, perform and debrief an Obstetric Anesthesiology simulation scenario for the residents.

Obstetric Anesthesiology Meetings

Our fellows attend and present at the annual Society of Obstetric Anesthesiology and Perinatology (SOAP) Meeting. The Department of Anesthesiology provides $1,600 each year toward academic support and activities for each Fellow.